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bta.h File Reference

The main header for BltTofApi. Includes all interface functions, the config struct and the declaration of the config struct organisation. More...

#include <bta_status.h>
#include <bta_frame.h>
#include <bta_filters.h>
#include <bta_discovery.h>
#include <bta_flash_update.h>

Go to the source code of this file.

Data Structures

struct  BTA_Config
 Configuration structure to be passed with BTAopen. More...
struct  BTA_GrabbingConfig
 Configuration structure to be passed with BTAstartDiscovery. More...
struct  BTA_ConfigStructOrg
 This struct is used for the representation of the BTA_Config struct. Programming languages that don't use header files are able to query the elements of BTA_Config generically. More...


 The BTA_Config shall be 8-byte aligned.


typedef voidBTA_Handle
 The handle to hold the instance created by BTAopen.
typedef int8_t * msg
typedef BTA_Status status
typedef BTA_Frameframe
typedef uint8_t percentage
typedef enum BTA_QueueMode BTA_QueueMode
 Enumerator with queuing modes.
typedef enum BTA_LibParam BTA_LibParam
 Enumerator with runtime configuration parameters for the library. The behaviour of the library can be changed by setting various LibParams. Some information about the state of the library can be retrieved by reading various LibParams. Never are they affecting the devices configuration (registers).
typedef struct BTA_Config BTA_Config
 Configuration structure to be passed with BTAopen.
typedef struct BTA_GrabbingConfig BTA_GrabbingConfig
 Configuration structure to be passed with BTAstartDiscovery.
typedef struct BTA_ConfigStructOrg BTA_ConfigStructOrg
 This struct is used for the representation of the BTA_Config struct. Programming languages that don't use header files are able to query the elements of BTA_Config generically.


enum  BTA_QueueMode { BTA_QueueModeDoNotQueue = 0, BTA_QueueModeDropOldest = 1, BTA_QueueModeDropCurrent = 2, BTA_QueueModeAvoidDrop = 3 }
 Enumerator with queuing modes. More...
enum  BTA_LibParam {
  BTA_LibParamKeepAliveMsgInterval, BTA_LibParamCrcControlEnabled, BTA_LibParamStreamTotalFrameCount, BTA_LibParamStreamAutoPlaybackSpeed,
  BTA_LibParamStreamPos, BTA_LibParamStreamPosIncrement, BTA_LibParamEnableTestPattern, BTA_LibParamPauseCaptureThread
 Enumerator with runtime configuration parameters for the library. The behaviour of the library can be changed by setting various LibParams. Some information about the state of the library can be retrieved by reading various LibParams. Never are they affecting the devices configuration (registers). More...


typedef void (1 *FN_BTA_InfoEvent)(BTA_Status status
 Callback function to report on informative events. The implementation of this function in the application must copy the relevant data and return immediately. The parameter 'verbosity' in BTA_Config can be used to turn on/off certain events. More...
typedef int (1 *FN_BTA_ProgressReport)(BTA_Status status
 Callback function to report status and progress during transfer and programming. More...
BTA_Status BTAgetVersion (uint32_t *verMaj, uint32_t *verMin, uint32_t *verNonFun, uint8_t *buildDateTime, uint32_t buildDateTimeLen, uint16_t *supportedDeviceTypes, uint32_t *supportedDeviceTypesLen)
 For querying API version. More...
BTA_Status BTAinitDiscoveryConfig (BTA_DiscoveryConfig *config)
 Fills the discovery config structure with standard values. More...
BTA_Status BTAstartDiscovery (BTA_DiscoveryConfig *discoveryConfig, FN_BTA_DeviceFound deviceFound, FN_BTA_InfoEvent infoEvent, BTA_Handle *handle)
 Starts the discovery of devices. If possible, broadcast messages are transmitted otherwise all possible connections are tested. More...
BTA_Status BTAstopDiscovery (BTA_Handle *handle)
 Stops the discovery of devices. More...
BTA_ConfigStructOrgBTAgetConfigStructOrg (uint32_t *fieldCount, uint8_t *bytesPerField)
 With this function a literal description of the config struct can be retrieved. In programming languages which do not support header files it can be used to allocate and fill the BTA_Config struct. More...
BTA_Status BTAinitConfig (BTA_Config *config)
 Fills the config structure with standard values. More...
BTA_Status BTAopen (BTA_Config *config, BTA_Handle *handle)
 Establishes a connection to the device and returns a handle. More...
BTA_Status BTAclose (BTA_Handle *handle)
 Disconnects from the sensor and closes the handle. More...
BTA_Status BTAgetDeviceInfo (BTA_Handle handle, BTA_DeviceInfo **deviceInfo)
 For querying information about the device. If successful, BTAfreeDeviceInfo must be called afterwards. More...
BTA_Status BTAfreeDeviceInfo (BTA_DeviceInfo *deviceInfo)
 For freeing the device information structure. More...
uint8_t BTAisRunning (BTA_Handle handle)
 Queries whether the handle is open and background threads are running correctly. More...
uint8_t BTAisConnected (BTA_Handle handle)
 Queries whether the library has a valid connection to the sensor. More...
BTA_Status BTAsetFrameMode (BTA_Handle handle, BTA_FrameMode frameMode)
 Allows to set a BTA_FrameMode which defines the data delivered by the sensor. The device and/or the SDK is configured depending on the frame mode, so that the desired channels are included in each BTA_Frame. More...
BTA_Status BTAcloneFrame (BTA_Frame *frameSrc, BTA_Frame **frameDst)
 Helper function to clone/duplicate/deep-copy a BTA_Frame structure. If successful, BTAfreeFrame must be called on frameDst afterwards. More...
BTA_Status BTAgetFrame (BTA_Handle handle, BTA_Frame **frame, uint32_t timeout)
 Actively requests a frame. The device-specific library implementation defines if. More...
BTA_Status BTAfreeFrame (BTA_Frame **frame)
 Helper function to free a BTA_Frame structure. More...
BTA_Status BTAgetSerializedLength (BTA_Frame *frame, uint32_t *frameSerializedLen)
 Helper function to calculate the length of a frame in serialized form; needed for BTAserializeFrame. More...
BTA_Status BTAserializeFrame (BTA_Frame *frame, uint8_t *frameSerialized, uint32_t *frameSerializedLen)
 Helper function to convert a BTA_Frame structure into a serialized stream; useful for recording frames to files. More...
BTA_Status BTAdeserializeFrame (BTA_Frame **frame, uint8_t *frameSerialized, uint32_t *frameSerializedLen)
 Helper function to convert a serialized stream into a BTA_Frame structure; useful for replaying recorded frames from files. More...
BTA_Status BTAgetDistances (BTA_Frame *frame, void **distBuffer, BTA_DataFormat *dataFormat, BTA_Unit *unit, uint16_t *xRes, uint16_t *yRes)
 Convenience function for extracting distances from a provided frame. It simply returns the pointer and copies some information. The same data can be accessed directly going through the BTA_Frame structure. If there is no channel with distance data present in the frame, an error is returned. More...
BTA_Status BTAgetAmplitudes (BTA_Frame *frame, void **ampBuffer, BTA_DataFormat *dataFormat, BTA_Unit *unit, uint16_t *xRes, uint16_t *yRes)
 Convenience function for extracting amplitudes from a provided frame. It simply returns the pointer and copies some information. The same data can be accessed directly going through the BTA_Frame structure. If there is no channel with amplitude data present in the frame, an error is returned. More...
BTA_Status BTAgetFlags (BTA_Frame *frame, void **flagBuffer, BTA_DataFormat *dataFormat, BTA_Unit *unit, uint16_t *xRes, uint16_t *yRes)
 Convenience function for extracting flags from a provided frame. It simply returns the pointer and copies some information. The same data can be accessed directly going through the BTA_Frame structure. If there is no channel with flag data present in the frame, an error is returned. More...
BTA_Status BTAgetXYZcoordinates (BTA_Frame *frame, void **xBuffer, void **yBuffer, void **zBuffer, BTA_DataFormat *dataFormat, BTA_Unit *unit, uint16_t *xRes, uint16_t *yRes)
 Convenience function for extracting the 3D-coordinates from a provided frame. It simply returns the pointer and copies some information. The same data can be accessed directly going through the BTA_Frame structure. If there are not 3 channels with coordinate data present in the sensor data, an error is returned. More...
BTA_Status BTAgetColors (BTA_Frame *frame, void **colorBuffer, BTA_DataFormat *dataFormat, BTA_Unit *unit, uint16_t *xRes, uint16_t *yRes)
 Convenience function for extracting colors from a provided frame. It simply returns the pointer and copies some information. The same data can be accessed directly going through the BTA_Frame structure. If there is no channel with color data present in the frame, an error is returned. More...
BTA_Status BTAgetMetadata (BTA_Channel *channel, uint32_t metadataId, void **metadata, uint32_t *metadataLen)
 Convenience function for extracting metadata from a provided channel. It simply returns the pointer and the length of the data. The same data can be accessed directly going through the BTA_Channel structure. If there is no metadata with the right id present in the channel, an error is returned. More...
BTA_Status BTAsetIntegrationTime (BTA_Handle handle, uint32_t integrationTime)
 Facilitates setting the integration time for the default capture sequence(s) More...
BTA_Status BTAgetIntegrationTime (BTA_Handle handle, uint32_t *integrationTime)
 Facilitates the retrieval of the current integration time of the default capture sequence(s) More...
BTA_Status BTAsetFrameRate (BTA_Handle handle, float frameRate)
 Facilitates setting the frame rate for the default capture sequence. More...
BTA_Status BTAgetFrameRate (BTA_Handle handle, float *frameRate)
 Facilitates the retrieval of the current theoretical frame rate of the default capture sequence(s) More...
BTA_Status BTAsetModulationFrequency (BTA_Handle handle, uint32_t modulationFrequency)
 Facilitates setting the modulation frequency for the default capture sequence(s) More...
BTA_Status BTAgetModulationFrequency (BTA_Handle handle, uint32_t *modulationFrequency)
 Facilitates the retrieval of the current theoretical frame rate of the default capture sequence(s) More...
BTA_Status BTAsetGlobalOffset (BTA_Handle handle, float globalOffset)
 Function for setting the distance offset being applied to all pixels equally. It is, for all current devices, valid for the currently set modulation frequency. It can only be set for predefined modulation frequencies (see device’s SUM). More...
BTA_Status BTAgetGlobalOffset (BTA_Handle handle, float *globalOffset)
 Function for getting the distance offset being applied to all pixels equally. It is, for all current devices, valid for the currently set modulation frequency. When changing the modulation frequency, the global offset changes. More...
BTA_Status BTAreadRegister (BTA_Handle handle, uint32_t address, uint32_t *data, uint32_t *registerCount)
 Reads registers from the device/SDK. More...
BTA_Status BTAwriteRegister (BTA_Handle handle, uint32_t address, uint32_t *data, uint32_t *registerCount)
 Writes registers to the device/SDK. More...
BTA_Status BTAsetLibParam (BTA_Handle handle, BTA_LibParam libParam, float value)
 Function for setting a parameter for the library. Library parameters do not directly affect the camera's configuration. More...
BTA_Status BTAgetLibParam (BTA_Handle handle, BTA_LibParam libParam, float *value)
 Function for getting a parameter from the library. More...
BTA_Status BTAsendReset (BTA_Handle handle)
 Initiates a reset of the device. More...
BTA_Status BTAflashUpdate (BTA_Handle handle, BTA_FlashUpdateConfig *flashUpdateConfig, FN_BTA_ProgressReport progressReport)
 Allows sending large data to the device. Mainly this is used for sending calibration data and firmware updates. This function handles the complete transfer of the file and blocks during transmission. If possible, this function performs its task in a way that allows the OS to regain control periodically, i.e. it uses blocking functions in a fine granularity. The callback function is called (if not null) in the following cases: More...
BTA_Status BTAfirmwareUpdate (BTA_Handle handle, const uint8_t *filename, FN_BTA_ProgressReport progressReport)
 Convenience function for doing a firmware update. Uses BTAflashUpdate() internally. More...
BTA_Status BTAwigglingUpdate (BTA_Handle handle, const uint8_t *filename, FN_BTA_ProgressReport progressReport)
 Convenience function for doing a firmware update. Uses BTAflashUpdate() internally. More...
BTA_Status BTAfpnUpdate (BTA_Handle handle, const uint8_t *filename, FN_BTA_ProgressReport progressReport)
 Convenience function for doing a firmware update. Uses BTAflashUpdate() internally. More...
BTA_Status BTAfppnUpdate (BTA_Handle handle, const uint8_t *filename, FN_BTA_ProgressReport progressReport)
 Convenience function for doing a firmware update. Uses BTAflashUpdate() internally. More...
BTA_Status BTAflashRead (BTA_Handle handle, BTA_FlashUpdateConfig *flashUpdateConfig, FN_BTA_ProgressReport progressReport)
 Allows reading large data from the device. This function handles the complete transfer of the file and blocks during transmission. If possible, this function performs its task in a way that allows the OS to regain control periodically, i.e. it uses blocking functions in a fine granularity. The callback function is called (if not null) in the following cases: More...
BTA_Status BTAwriteCurrentConfigToNvm (BTA_Handle handle)
 Writes the current configuration (i.e. register values) to non-volatile memory. More...
BTA_Status BTArestoreDefaultConfig (BTA_Handle handle)
 Erases the register settings previously stored with BTAwriteCurrentConfigToNvm (May require rebbot for loading default values) More...
BTA_Status BTAaddFilter (BTA_Handle handle, BTA_FltConfig *fltConfig, BTA_FltType fltType, BTA_FltHandle *fltHandle)
 (The development of filter functionality is still in progress!) Instantiates the specified filter wih specified parameters and adds it at the end of the filter processing queue More...
BTA_Status BTAremoveFilter (BTA_Handle handle, BTA_FltHandle fltHandle)
 (The development of filter functionality is still in progress!) Removes the last filter added More...
BTA_Status BTAinitGrabbingConfig (BTA_GrabbingConfig *config)
 Fills the grab config structure with standard values. More...
BTA_Status BTAstartGrabbing (BTA_Handle handle, BTA_GrabbingConfig *config)
 Issues the library to grab (or stop grabbing) all the frames and store them to the file provided in the config. When connected to USB (P100) the capture thread must be running or the BTAgetFrame must be called frequently in order for the library to grab frames. More...
BTA_Status BTAstatusToString (BTA_Status status, char *statusString, uint16_t statusStringLen)
 A convenience function to convert a BTA_Status into a string. More...
BTA_Status BTAeventIdToString (BTA_EventId eventId, char *eventIdString, uint16_t eventIdStringLen)
 Deprecated. Use BTAstatusToString.
BTA_Status BTAsetKeepAliveMsgInterval (BTA_Handle handle, float interval)
 DEPRECATED Please use LibParam BTA_LibParamKeepAliveMsgInterval instead.
BTA_Status BTAsetControlCrcEnabled (BTA_Handle handle, uint8_t enabled)
 DEPRECATED Please use LibParam BTA_LibParamCrcControlEnabled instead.


BTA_ConfigStructOrg btaConfigStructOrg []
 This struct contains information about the BTA_Config struct.
const uint32_t btaConfigStructOrgLen
 The size of the struct containing information about the BTA_Config struct.

Detailed Description

The main header for BltTofApi. Includes all interface functions, the config struct and the declaration of the config struct organisation.


Copyright Bluetechnix 2016

Alex Falkensteiner

Enumeration Type Documentation

Enumerator with runtime configuration parameters for the library. The behaviour of the library can be changed by setting various LibParams. Some information about the state of the library can be retrieved by reading various LibParams. Never are they affecting the devices configuration (registers).


The interval in seconds. If no communication during this time, a keep alive is sent. (Supported only by Ethernet cameras).


Set > 0 in order to activate CRC sums for the control connection. (Supported only by Ethernet cameras).


Readonly. Contains the total amount of frames loaded from bltstream file.


Set > 0 in order to activate playback at recording rate times this factor. Set to 0 to pause playback.


Get and set the index in the bltstream file. The first frame has index 0. If set, BTA_LibParamStreamAutoPlaybackSpeed is set to 0.


Writeonly. Set the increment to which position to jump to in the bltstream file. If set, BTA_LibParamStreamAutoPlaybackSpeed is set to 0.


override camera data with test data: 0: Disabled > 0: Testpattern depending on the connected interface


Set > 0 in order to pause internal capture thread. It saves CPU and/or bandwith, depending on the implementation and interface.

Enumerator with queuing modes.


No queueing.


Before an overflow, the oldest item in the queue is removed.


When full, the queue remains unchanged.


When full, the equeue function returns an error to the producer (do not use in BTAopen()!)

Function Documentation

BTA_Status BTAaddFilter ( BTA_Handle  handle,
BTA_FltConfig *  fltConfig,
BTA_FltType  fltType,
BTA_FltHandle *  fltHandle 

(The development of filter functionality is still in progress!) Instantiates the specified filter wih specified parameters and adds it at the end of the filter processing queue

handleHandle of the device to be used
fltConfigPointer to the structure containing the parameters for the filter
fltTypeEnum value denoting which filter implementation to add
fltHandleThe handle to hold the filter instance on return
Please refer to bta_status.h
BTA_Status BTAcloneFrame ( BTA_Frame frameSrc,
BTA_Frame **  frameDst 

Helper function to clone/duplicate/deep-copy a BTA_Frame structure. If successful, BTAfreeFrame must be called on frameDst afterwards.

frameSrcThe pointer to the frame to be copied
frameDstThe pointer to the new duplicated frame
Please refer to bta_status.h
BTA_Status BTAclose ( BTA_Handle handle)

Disconnects from the sensor and closes the handle.

handlePointer to the handle of the device to be closed; points to null on return
Please refer to bta_status.h
BTA_Status BTAdeserializeFrame ( BTA_Frame **  frame,
uint8_t *  frameSerialized,
uint32_t *  frameSerializedLen 

Helper function to convert a serialized stream into a BTA_Frame structure; useful for replaying recorded frames from files.

frameDouble pointer to the deserialized frame on return. Don't forget to call BTAfreeFrame.
frameSerializedBuffer that contains the frame data
frameSerializedLenPointer to length of the buffer frameSerialized; number of bytes parsed on return
Please refer to bta_status.h
BTA_Status BTAfirmwareUpdate ( BTA_Handle  handle,
const uint8_t *  filename,
FN_BTA_ProgressReport  progressReport 

Convenience function for doing a firmware update. Uses BTAflashUpdate() internally.

handleHandle of the device to be used
filenameName of the binary file
progressReportCallback function for reporting the status and progress during transfer and programming. Can be null
Please refer to bta_status.h
BTA_Status BTAflashRead ( BTA_Handle  handle,
BTA_FlashUpdateConfig flashUpdateConfig,
FN_BTA_ProgressReport  progressReport 

Allows reading large data from the device. This function handles the complete transfer of the file and blocks during transmission. If possible, this function performs its task in a way that allows the OS to regain control periodically, i.e. it uses blocking functions in a fine granularity. The callback function is called (if not null) in the following cases:

  • An error occurs -> report error status ignoring percentage.
  • An transmission starts -> report BTA_StatusOk with percentage 0%.
  • An transmission ends -> report BTA_StatusOk with percentage 100%. (–> so the callback will always be used at least once and at least twice in case of success). During transmission, progress is reported repeatedly when possible (report BTA_StatusOk with percentage).
    handleHandle of the device to be used
    flashUpdateConfigMust contain the flash target and flash id to read from and optionally the flash address. Must also have have the pointer data with preallocated space denoted in dataLen. On return it contains the data read and its actual length.
    progressReportCallback function for reporting the status and progress during transfer
    Please refer to bta_status.h
BTA_Status BTAflashUpdate ( BTA_Handle  handle,
BTA_FlashUpdateConfig flashUpdateConfig,
FN_BTA_ProgressReport  progressReport 

Allows sending large data to the device. Mainly this is used for sending calibration data and firmware updates. This function handles the complete transfer of the file and blocks during transmission. If possible, this function performs its task in a way that allows the OS to regain control periodically, i.e. it uses blocking functions in a fine granularity. The callback function is called (if not null) in the following cases:

  • An error occurs -> report error status ignoring percentage.
  • An transmission starts -> report BTA_StatusOk with percentage 0%.
  • An transmission ends -> report BTA_StatusOk with percentage 100%. (–> so the callback will always be used at least once and at least twice in case of success). During transmission, progress is reported repeatedly when possible (report BTA_StatusOk with percentage).
    handleHandle of the device to be used
    flashUpdateConfigContains the data and all the necessary information for handling it
    progressReportCallback function for reporting the status and progress during transfer and programming
    Please refer to bta_status.h
BTA_Status BTAfpnUpdate ( BTA_Handle  handle,
const uint8_t *  filename,
FN_BTA_ProgressReport  progressReport 

Convenience function for doing a firmware update. Uses BTAflashUpdate() internally.

handleHandle of the device to be used
filenameName of the binary file
progressReportCallback function for reporting the status and progress during transfer and programming. Can be null
Please refer to bta_status.h
BTA_Status BTAfppnUpdate ( BTA_Handle  handle,
const uint8_t *  filename,
FN_BTA_ProgressReport  progressReport 

Convenience function for doing a firmware update. Uses BTAflashUpdate() internally.

handleHandle of the device to be used
filenameName of the binary file
progressReportCallback function for reporting the status and progress during transfer and programming. Can be null
Please refer to bta_status.h
BTA_Status BTAfreeDeviceInfo ( BTA_DeviceInfo deviceInfo)

For freeing the device information structure.

deviceInfoPointer to structure to be freed
BTA_Status BTAfreeFrame ( BTA_Frame **  frame)

Helper function to free a BTA_Frame structure.

frameThe pointer to the frame to be freed; points to null on return
Please refer to bta_status.h
BTA_Status BTAgetAmplitudes ( BTA_Frame frame,
void **  ampBuffer,
BTA_DataFormat dataFormat,
BTA_Unit unit,
uint16_t *  xRes,
uint16_t *  yRes 

Convenience function for extracting amplitudes from a provided frame. It simply returns the pointer and copies some information. The same data can be accessed directly going through the BTA_Frame structure. If there is no channel with amplitude data present in the frame, an error is returned.

frameThe frame from which to extract the data
ampBufferPointer to the amplitudes on return (null on error)
dataFormatPointer to the BTA_DataFormat, thus how to parse 'ampBuffer'
unitPointer to BTA_Unit, thus how to interpret 'ampBuffer'
xResPointer to the number of columns of 'ampBuffer'
yResPointer to the number of rows of 'ampBuffer'
Please refer to bta_status.h
BTA_Status BTAgetColors ( BTA_Frame frame,
void **  colorBuffer,
BTA_DataFormat dataFormat,
BTA_Unit unit,
uint16_t *  xRes,
uint16_t *  yRes 

Convenience function for extracting colors from a provided frame. It simply returns the pointer and copies some information. The same data can be accessed directly going through the BTA_Frame structure. If there is no channel with color data present in the frame, an error is returned.

frameThe frame from which to extract the data
colorBufferPointer to the colors on return (null on error)
dataFormatPointer to the BTA_DataFormat, thus how to parse 'colorBuffer'
unitPointer to BTA_Unit, thus how to interpret 'colorBuffer'
xResPointer to the number of columns of 'colorBuffer'
yResPointer to the number of rows of 'colorBuffer'
Please refer to bta_status.h
BTA_ConfigStructOrg* BTAgetConfigStructOrg ( uint32_t *  fieldCount,
uint8_t *  bytesPerField 

With this function a literal description of the config struct can be retrieved. In programming languages which do not support header files it can be used to allocate and fill the BTA_Config struct.

fieldCountThe number of elements (config struct fields) in the result on return
bytesPerFieldThe number of bytes per element (config struct field) in the result on return
BTA_Status BTAgetDeviceInfo ( BTA_Handle  handle,
BTA_DeviceInfo **  deviceInfo 

For querying information about the device. If successful, BTAfreeDeviceInfo must be called afterwards.

handleHandle of the device to be used
deviceInfoPointer to pointer to structure with information about the device on return
BTA_Status BTAgetDistances ( BTA_Frame frame,
void **  distBuffer,
BTA_DataFormat dataFormat,
BTA_Unit unit,
uint16_t *  xRes,
uint16_t *  yRes 

Convenience function for extracting distances from a provided frame. It simply returns the pointer and copies some information. The same data can be accessed directly going through the BTA_Frame structure. If there is no channel with distance data present in the frame, an error is returned.

frameThe frame from which to extract the data
distBufferPointer to the distances on return (null on error)
dataFormatPointer to the BTA_DataFormat, thus how to parse 'distBuffer'
unitPointer to BTA_Unit, thus how to interpret 'distBuffer'
xResPointer to the number of columns of 'distBuffer'
yResPointer to the number of rows of 'distBuffer'
Please refer to bta_status.h
BTA_Status BTAgetFlags ( BTA_Frame frame,
void **  flagBuffer,
BTA_DataFormat dataFormat,
BTA_Unit unit,
uint16_t *  xRes,
uint16_t *  yRes 

Convenience function for extracting flags from a provided frame. It simply returns the pointer and copies some information. The same data can be accessed directly going through the BTA_Frame structure. If there is no channel with flag data present in the frame, an error is returned.

frameThe frame from which to extract the data
flagBufferPointer to the flags on return (null on error)
dataFormatPointer to the BTA_DataFormat, thus how to parse 'flagBuffer'
unitPointer to BTA_Unit, thus how to interpret 'flagBuffer'
xResPointer to the number of columns of 'flagBuffer'
yResPointer to the number of rows of 'flagBuffer'
Please refer to bta_status.h
BTA_Status BTAgetFrame ( BTA_Handle  handle,
BTA_Frame **  frame,
uint32_t  timeout 

Actively requests a frame. The device-specific library implementation defines if.

  • it triggers the capturing of a new frame, or
  • it returns a queued frame / it waits for the next frame. If successful, BTAfreeFrame must be called afterwards.
    handleHandle of the device to be used
    framePointer to frame (null if failed) on return (needs to be freed with BTAfreeFrame)
    timeoutTimeout to wait if no frame is yet available in [ms]. If timeout == 0 the function waits endlessly for a frame from the device.
    Please refer to bta_status.h
BTA_Status BTAgetFrameRate ( BTA_Handle  handle,
float *  frameRate 

Facilitates the retrieval of the current theoretical frame rate of the default capture sequence(s)

handleHandle of the device to be used
frameRatePointer containing the frame rate in [Hz] on return
Please refer to bta_status.h
BTA_Status BTAgetGlobalOffset ( BTA_Handle  handle,
float *  globalOffset 

Function for getting the distance offset being applied to all pixels equally. It is, for all current devices, valid for the currently set modulation frequency. When changing the modulation frequency, the global offset changes.

handleHandle of the device to be used
globalOffsetPointer to hold offset in mm
Please refer to bta_status.h
BTA_Status BTAgetIntegrationTime ( BTA_Handle  handle,
uint32_t *  integrationTime 

Facilitates the retrieval of the current integration time of the default capture sequence(s)

handleHandle of the device to be used
integrationTimePointer containing the integration time in [us] on return
Please refer to bta_status.h
BTA_Status BTAgetLibParam ( BTA_Handle  handle,
BTA_LibParam  libParam,
float *  value 

Function for getting a parameter from the library.

handleHandle of the device to be used
libParamIdentifier for the parameter (consult the support wiki for a description of its function)
valueOn return it points to the value of the library parameter
Please refer to bta_status.h
BTA_Status BTAgetMetadata ( BTA_Channel channel,
uint32_t  metadataId,
void **  metadata,
uint32_t *  metadataLen 

Convenience function for extracting metadata from a provided channel. It simply returns the pointer and the length of the data. The same data can be accessed directly going through the BTA_Channel structure. If there is no metadata with the right id present in the channel, an error is returned.

channelThe channel from which to extract the metadata
colorBufferPointer to the colors on return (null on error)
dataFormatPointer to the BTA_DataFormat, thus how to parse 'colorBuffer'
unitPointer to BTA_Unit, thus how to interpret 'colorBuffer'
xResPointer to the number of columns of 'colorBuffer'
yResPointer to the number of rows of 'colorBuffer'
Please refer to bta_status.h
BTA_Status BTAgetModulationFrequency ( BTA_Handle  handle,
uint32_t *  modulationFrequency 

Facilitates the retrieval of the current theoretical frame rate of the default capture sequence(s)

handleHandle of the device to be used
modulationFrequencyPointer containing the modulation frequency in [Hz] on return
Please refer to bta_status.h
BTA_Status BTAgetSerializedLength ( BTA_Frame frame,
uint32_t *  frameSerializedLen 

Helper function to calculate the length of a frame in serialized form; needed for BTAserializeFrame.

frameThe pointer to the frame to be serialized
frameSerializedLenPointer to the length of the (to be) serialized frame on return.
Please refer to bta_status.h
BTA_Status BTAgetVersion ( uint32_t *  verMaj,
uint32_t *  verMin,
uint32_t *  verNonFun,
uint8_t *  buildDateTime,
uint32_t  buildDateTimeLen,
uint16_t *  supportedDeviceTypes,
uint32_t *  supportedDeviceTypesLen 

For querying API version.

verMajIf not null it points to the major firmware version of the device on return
verMinIf not null it points to the minor firmware version of the device on return
verNonFunIf not null it points to the non functional firmware version of the device on return
buildDateTimeA char array allocated by the caller containing the date/time string (ASCII) of build on return (can be left null)
buildDateTimeLenSize of the preallocated buffer behind buildDateTime in [byte]
supportedDeviceTypesArray allocated by the caller containing the codes of all devices supported by a specifiy BTA implementation on return (can be left null)
supportedDeviceTypesLenPointer to size of supportedDeviceTypes (the number of supported devices); on return it contains number of supported device types
Please refer to bta_status.h
BTA_Status BTAgetXYZcoordinates ( BTA_Frame frame,
void **  xBuffer,
void **  yBuffer,
void **  zBuffer,
BTA_DataFormat dataFormat,
BTA_Unit unit,
uint16_t *  xRes,
uint16_t *  yRes 

Convenience function for extracting the 3D-coordinates from a provided frame. It simply returns the pointer and copies some information. The same data can be accessed directly going through the BTA_Frame structure. If there are not 3 channels with coordinate data present in the sensor data, an error is returned.

frameThe frame from which to extract the data
xBufferA pointer to the cartesian x coordinates on return (null on error)
yBufferA pointer to the cartesian y coordinates on return (null on error)
zBufferA pointer to the cartesian z coordinates on return (null on error)
dataFormatPointer to the BTA_DataFormat, thus how to parse 'xBuffer', 'yBuffer' and 'zBuffer'
unitPointer to BTA_Unit, thus how to interpret 'xBuffer', 'yBuffer' and 'zBuffer'
xResPointer to the number of columns of 'xBuffer', 'yBuffer' and 'zBuffer'
yResPointer to the number of rows of 'xBuffer', 'yBuffer' and 'zBuffer'
Please refer to bta_status.h
BTA_Status BTAinitConfig ( BTA_Config config)

Fills the config structure with standard values.

configPointer to the structure to be initialized to standard values
Please refer to bta_status.h
BTA_Status BTAinitDiscoveryConfig ( BTA_DiscoveryConfig config)

Fills the discovery config structure with standard values.

configPointer to the structure to be initialized to standard values
Please refer to bta_status.h
BTA_Status BTAinitGrabbingConfig ( BTA_GrabbingConfig config)

Fills the grab config structure with standard values.

configPointer to the structure to be initialized to standard values
Please refer to bta_status.h
uint8_t BTAisConnected ( BTA_Handle  handle)

Queries whether the library has a valid connection to the sensor.

handleHandle of the device to be used
1 if connected to the sensor, 0 otherwise
uint8_t BTAisRunning ( BTA_Handle  handle)

Queries whether the handle is open and background threads are running correctly.

handleHandle of the device to be used
1 if the service is running, 0 otherwise
BTA_Status BTAopen ( BTA_Config config,
BTA_Handle handle 

Establishes a connection to the device and returns a handle.

configPointer to the previously initialized config structure
handlePointer containing the handle to the device on return
Please refer to bta_status.h
BTA_Status BTAreadRegister ( BTA_Handle  handle,
uint32_t  address,
uint32_t *  data,
uint32_t *  registerCount 

Reads registers from the device/SDK.

handleHandle of the device to be used
addressThe address of the first register to read from
dataPointer to buffer allocated by the caller. Contains register data on return. The data in the buffer on return consists of one or more register values, each 4 bytes wide.
registerCountPointer to the number of registers to be read. On return, if not null, it contains the number of registers actually read. If null is passed, one register is read.
Please refer to bta_status.h
BTA_Status BTAremoveFilter ( BTA_Handle  handle,
BTA_FltHandle  fltHandle 

(The development of filter functionality is still in progress!) Removes the last filter added

handleHandle of the device to be used
fltHandleThe handle of the filter to be removed
Please refer to bta_status.h
BTA_Status BTArestoreDefaultConfig ( BTA_Handle  handle)

Erases the register settings previously stored with BTAwriteCurrentConfigToNvm (May require rebbot for loading default values)

handleHandle of the device to be used
Please refer to bta_status.h
BTA_Status BTAsendReset ( BTA_Handle  handle)

Initiates a reset of the device.

handleHandle of the device to be used
Please refer to bta_status.h
BTA_Status BTAserializeFrame ( BTA_Frame frame,
uint8_t *  frameSerialized,
uint32_t *  frameSerializedLen 

Helper function to convert a BTA_Frame structure into a serialized stream; useful for recording frames to files.

frameThe pointer to the frame to be serialized
frameSerializedBuffer to contain the frame data on return. Must be allocated by the caller
frameSerializedLenPointer to length of the buffer frameSerialized allocated by the caller. Pointer to the actual length of the serialized frame on return.
Please refer to bta_status.h
BTA_Status BTAsetFrameMode ( BTA_Handle  handle,
BTA_FrameMode  frameMode 

Allows to set a BTA_FrameMode which defines the data delivered by the sensor. The device and/or the SDK is configured depending on the frame mode, so that the desired channels are included in each BTA_Frame.

handleHandle of the device to be used
frameModeThe desired frame-mode
Please refer to bta_status.h
BTA_Status BTAsetFrameRate ( BTA_Handle  handle,
float  frameRate 

Facilitates setting the frame rate for the default capture sequence.

handleHandle of the device to be used
frameRateThe desired frame rate in [Hz]
Please refer to bta_status.h
BTA_Status BTAsetGlobalOffset ( BTA_Handle  handle,
float  globalOffset 

Function for setting the distance offset being applied to all pixels equally. It is, for all current devices, valid for the currently set modulation frequency. It can only be set for predefined modulation frequencies (see device’s SUM).

handleHandle of the device to be used
globalOffsetoffset in [mm]
Please refer to bta_status.h
BTA_Status BTAsetIntegrationTime ( BTA_Handle  handle,
uint32_t  integrationTime 

Facilitates setting the integration time for the default capture sequence(s)

handleHandle of the device to be used
integrationTimeThe desired integration time in [us]
Please refer to bta_status.h
BTA_Status BTAsetLibParam ( BTA_Handle  handle,
BTA_LibParam  libParam,
float  value 

Function for setting a parameter for the library. Library parameters do not directly affect the camera's configuration.

handleHandle of the device to be used
libParamIdentifier for the parameter (consult the support wiki for a description of its function)
valueThe value to be set for the library parameter
Please refer to bta_status.h
BTA_Status BTAsetModulationFrequency ( BTA_Handle  handle,
uint32_t  modulationFrequency 

Facilitates setting the modulation frequency for the default capture sequence(s)

handleHandle of the device to be used
modulationFrequencyThe desired modulation frequency in [Hz]
Please refer to bta_status.h
BTA_Status BTAstartDiscovery ( BTA_DiscoveryConfig discoveryConfig,
FN_BTA_DeviceFound  deviceFound,
FN_BTA_InfoEvent  infoEvent,
BTA_Handle handle 

Starts the discovery of devices. If possible, broadcast messages are transmitted otherwise all possible connections are tested.

discoveryConfigParameters on how to perform the discovery. The connection interface used defines which parameters have to be set in BTA_DiscoveryConfig.
deviceFoundThe callback to be invoked when a device has been discovered
infoEventThe callback to be invoked when an error occurs
handleOn return it contains the discovery handle which has to be used to stop the background process.
Please refer to bta_status.h
BTA_Status BTAstartGrabbing ( BTA_Handle  handle,
BTA_GrabbingConfig config 

Issues the library to grab (or stop grabbing) all the frames and store them to the file provided in the config. When connected to USB (P100) the capture thread must be running or the BTAgetFrame must be called frequently in order for the library to grab frames.

handleHandle of the device to be used.
configPointer to the config structure specifying parameters for the grabbing process. Pass null in order to stop grabbing.
Please refer to bta_status.h
BTA_Status BTAstatusToString ( BTA_Status  status,
char *  statusString,
uint16_t  statusStringLen 

A convenience function to convert a BTA_Status into a string.

statusThe BTA_Status to be converted into a string
statusStringA buffer allocated by the caller to contain the result on return
statusStringLenThe length of the preallocated buffer in statusString
Please refer to bta_status.h
BTA_Status BTAstopDiscovery ( BTA_Handle handle)

Stops the discovery of devices.

handlePass the handle from startDiscovery in order to identify the ongoing discovery process
Please refer to bta_status.h
BTA_Status BTAwigglingUpdate ( BTA_Handle  handle,
const uint8_t *  filename,
FN_BTA_ProgressReport  progressReport 

Convenience function for doing a firmware update. Uses BTAflashUpdate() internally.

handleHandle of the device to be used
filenameName of the binary file
progressReportCallback function for reporting the status and progress during transfer and programming. Can be null
Please refer to bta_status.h
BTA_Status BTAwriteCurrentConfigToNvm ( BTA_Handle  handle)

Writes the current configuration (i.e. register values) to non-volatile memory.

handleHandle of the device to be used
Please refer to bta_status.h
BTA_Status BTAwriteRegister ( BTA_Handle  handle,
uint32_t  address,
uint32_t *  data,
uint32_t *  registerCount 

Writes registers to the device/SDK.

handleHandle of the device to be used
addressThe address of the first register to write to
dataPointer to buffer containing register data to be written. The data in the buffer consists of one or more register values, each 4 bytes wide.
registerCountPointer which contains the number of registers to be written. On return, if not null, it contains the number of registers actually written. If null is passed, one register is written.
Please refer to bta_status.h
typedef int ( 1 *  FN_BTA_ProgressReport)

Callback function to report status and progress during transfer and programming.

statusPlease refer to bta_status.h
percentageContains the progress in [%]. 0: File transfer started (can only be reported once per file transfer). 100: File transfer finished (can only be reported once per file transfer).
typedef void ( 1 *  FN_BTA_FrameArrivedEx)

Callback function to report on informative events. The implementation of this function in the application must copy the relevant data and return immediately. The parameter 'verbosity' in BTA_Config can be used to turn on/off certain events.

Callback function to report on data frames from the sensor. The implementation of this function in the application must copy the relevant data and return immediately. The BTA_Frame may NOT be altered! Do not call BTAfreeFrame on frame, because it is free'd in the lib.

statusThe status describing the reason for the infoEvent
msgA string containing the information for the user
handleThe handle as identification for the device
statusThe status describing the reason for the infoEvent
msgA string containing the information for the user
frameA pointer to the structure containing the data frame
handleThe handle as identification for the device
frameA pointer to the structure containing the data frame