![]() |
CBTA_Channel | BTA_Channel holds a two-dimensional array of data (A part of BTA_Frame) |
CBTA_Config | Configuration structure to be passed with BTAopen |
CBTA_ConfigStructOrg | This struct is used for the representation of the BTA_Config struct. Programming languages that don't use header files are able to query the elements of BTA_Config generically |
CBTA_DeviceInfo | This structure holds information about the device |
CBTA_DiscoveryConfig | This structure is used to configure the process of device discovery |
CBTA_FlashUpdateConfig | This configuration structure contains all the data and parameters needed for a BTAflashUpdate |
CBTA_FltAvgPixelsConfig | |
CBTA_FltAvgSequencesConfig | |
CBTA_FltBilateralConfig | |
CBTA_FltCombineConfig | |
CBTA_FltCropChessboardConfig | |
CBTA_FltCropConfig | |
CBTA_FltDctConfig | |
CBTA_FltFocusPreprocConfig | |
CBTA_FltGaussianBlurConfig | |
CBTA_FltIntrinsicUndistortConfig | |
CBTA_FltLaplaceConfig | |
CBTA_FltMathConfig | |
CBTA_FltMorphologyConfig | |
CBTA_FltMotionDetectorConfig | |
CBTA_FltOrientationConfig | |
CBTA_FltPixelIntrplConfig | |
CBTA_Frame | BTA_Frame holds all the data gathered from one frame (one or more channels) |
CBTA_GrabbingConfig | Configuration structure to be passed with BTAstartDiscovery |
CBTA_Metadata | BTA_Channel holds a two-dimensional array of data (A part of BTA_Frame) |
CBTAFltFindChessboardConfig | |
CBTAFltRmsFramesConfig |