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Configuration structure to be passed with BTAopen. More...
#include <bta.h>
Data Fields | |
uint8_t * | udpDataIpAddr |
The IP address for the UDP data interface (The address the device is configured to stream to) | |
uint8_t | udpDataIpAddrLen |
The length of udpDataIpAddr buffer in [byte]. | |
uint16_t | udpDataPort |
The port for the UDP data interface (The port the device is configured to stream to) | |
uint8_t * | udpControlOutIpAddr |
The IP address for the UDP control interface (outbound connection) (The address to send the command to, where the device awaits commands at) | |
uint8_t | udpControlOutIpAddrLen |
The length of udpControlOutIpAddr buffer in [byte]. | |
uint16_t | udpControlOutPort |
The port for the UDP control interface (outbound connection) (The address to send the command to, where the device awaits commands at) | |
uint8_t * | udpControlInIpAddr |
The IP address for the UDP control interface (inbound connection) (The address the device should answer to, usually the local IP address) | |
uint8_t | udpControlInIpAddrLen |
The length of udpControlInIpAddr buffer in [byte]. | |
uint16_t | udpControlInPort |
The port for the UDP control interface (inbound connection) (The port the device should answer to) | |
uint8_t * | tcpDeviceIpAddr |
The IP address for the TCP data and control interface (The device's IP address) | |
uint8_t | tcpDeviceIpAddrLen |
The length of tcpDeviceIpAddr buffer in [byte]. | |
uint16_t | tcpDataPort |
The port for the TCP data interface (The port the device sends data to) | |
uint16_t | tcpControlPort |
The port for the TCP control interface (The port the device awaits commands at) | |
uint8_t * | uartPortName |
The port name of the UART to use (ASCII coded) | |
uint32_t | uartBaudRate |
The UART baud rate. | |
uint8_t | uartDataBits |
The number of UART data bits used. | |
uint8_t | uartStopBits |
0: None, 1: One, 2: Two, 3: 1.5 stop bits | |
uint8_t | uartParity |
0: None, 1: Odd, 2: Even, 3: Mark, 4: Space Parity | |
uint8_t | uartTransmitterAddress |
The source address for UART communications. | |
uint8_t | uartReceiverAddress |
The target address for UART communications. | |
BTA_DeviceType | deviceType |
The device type, when not left 0 implies the type of connection to use (Ethernet, USB (P100), UART, Bltstream, ...) | |
uint8_t * | pon |
Product Order Number of device to be opened (0 == not specified) (ASCII coded) | |
uint32_t | serialNumber |
Serial number of device to be opened (0 == not specified) | |
uint8_t * | calibFileName |
Name of the lens calibration file to be loaded into SDK (ASCII coded). It is supported by P100 based cameras in order to generate XYZ channels. | |
uint8_t * | zFactorsFileName |
A filter of the type BTA_FltTypeMath (BTA_FltType) with math type BTA_FltMathTypeMultFM1 (BTA_FltMathType) is instantiated. The file behind zFactorsFileName is loaded as Matrix. And the filter is set to be applied for Z channels. | |
uint8_t * | wigglingFileName |
No longer supported, please use BTAwigglingUpdate() | |
BTA_FrameMode | frameMode |
Frame mode to be set in SDK/device. | |
FN_BTA_InfoEvent | infoEvent |
Callback function pointer to the function to be called upon an informative event (optional but handy for debugging/tracking) (deprecated, use infoEventEx) | |
FN_BTA_InfoEventEx | infoEventEx |
Callback function pointer to the function to be called upon an informative event (optional but handy for debugging/tracking) | |
uint8_t | verbosity |
A value to tell the library when and when not to generate InfoEvents (0: Only critical events, 10: Maximum amount of events) | |
FN_BTA_FrameArrived | frameArrived |
Callback function pointer to the function to be called when a frame is ready (optional) (deprecated, use frameArrivedEx) | |
FN_BTA_FrameArrivedEx | frameArrivedEx |
Callback function pointer to the function to be called when a frame is ready (optional) | |
uint16_t | frameQueueLength |
The library queues this amount of frames internally. | |
BTA_QueueMode | frameQueueMode |
The frame queue configuration parameter. | |
uint16_t | averageWindowLength |
A filter type BTA_FltTypeAvgsequences is instantiated. averageWindowLength sets the amount of frames to average. 0: do nothing, 1: turn averaging off (set 1 sequence), >1: averaging. | |
uint8_t * | bltstreamFilename |
Only for BtaStreamLib: Specify the file (containing the stream) to read from (ASCII coded) | |
Configuration structure to be passed with BTAopen.